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Declaration on Accessibility


The Cluster of Excellence ct.qmat–Complexity and Topology in Quantum Matter endeavours to make its website accessible in accordance with national legal provisions implementing Directive (EU) 2016/2102 of the European Parliament and of the Council.



Preparation of this Declaration on Accessibility

This declaration was prepared on 24 January 2024. Basis for the preparation of this Declaration on Accessibility is a a self-assessment carried out by TU Dresden.



Status of compatibility with the requirements of the Federal Ordinance on Accessible Information Technology (BITV)

Due to the following non-compliances and/or exemptions, this website is partially compliant with the requirements of the BfWebG in conjunction with BITV 2.0.



Non-accessible content

  • Color contrasts partly do not meet the required minimum contrasts (especially the combination of green and white)
  • Alternative texts for graphics/images are partly not descriptive


We have a very elaborate and multifaceted web site with a large number of documents. We are trying to reduce the barriers, but due to restricted resources in the project operation we are currently not able to provide a fully accessible website.


Please contact us by phone or e-mail if you do not have barrier-free access to the content. We will then endeavour to provide you with the desired information.




If you notice any shortcomings in terms of accessible design, please contact the public relations advisor of ct.qmat:

Katja Lesser

Telephone: +49 351 463 33496



Enforcement procedure

If we do not process your feedback satisfactorily from your point of view, you can contact the Enforcement Body of Saxony:


Office of the Commissioner of the Saxon State Government for the Affairs of Persons with Disabilities
Albertstraße 10, 01097 Dresden


Postal address: Archivstraße 1, 01097 Dresden
Telephone: 0351 564-12161
Fax: 0351 564-12169